This screen is where you tell MacPassword™ about virus protection, sound options, whether you want the Log file turned on as well as whether you want the System 7 extensions bypass capability activated or not.
The checkbox labeled “Virus Protection On” will install special functions to detect virus infections and present a dialog to advise you of when an attack takes place. This option is only available to registered owners.
The checkbox labeled “Play Sounds” will allow MacPassword™ to decide whether you want it to play the sounds found in the !MacPassword™ Sounds file upon Startup or Shutdown. This option is only available to registered owners.
The checkbox labeled “Log File ON” will allow MacPassword™ to decide whether you want it to log activity to a file called "MacPassword Log". This option is only available to registered owners.
The checkbox labeled “Always Ask Password” will force MacPassword™ to display the password dialog at startup even if you have nothing selected to protect. This option is only available to registered owners.
Finally, the checkbox labeled “System 7 Ext. Bypass” will enable or disable the built in ability of System 7 to bypass extension file loading at startup. This option is only available to registered owners.
Click on one of the buttons at the top (where you found this help button) to move to another screen of options.